Monday, November 25, 2013

Captain Hook....arggghh!

James loves Captain Hook right now, so of course we had a Captain Hook birthday party yesterday! It was complete chaos with 11 children 5 years and younger running around my house! We set up some pirate games (Ring toss, walk the plank, pin the scull on the map, and pinata)in the basement and had craft time and snacks upstairs. James got all kinds of "Jake and the Neverland Pirate" toys/games/ puzzles/sheets/pj's! He also got a bike (w/ NC State stickers). We had an interesting time with the fell twice! The first time Yancey tried to rehang it. After the second time, David bravely held it! Some of those boys could really hit! The children also liked the "walk the plank" much more then I thought they would. Thanks to Pinterest, I had a craft to make their own Captain Hook hooks with aluminum foil and red solo cups! After a long afternoon, he slept good in his new Jake pj's and sheets!

Birthday Party at School

Can't believe James turned 4!!! Mom was able to help with a birthday party at school last week. We had a shared Jake and the neverland pirates party with one of his classmates, Addison.