Friday, August 31, 2012

Where did August go?

I can't believe that it is the last day of August. I've gone almost a month without adding anything. I don't seem to have much extra time these days. Let's see whats been going on: Emma Lou can crawl and is starting to pull up on things. I noticed the top of a tooth coming in today. She is sleeping a good part of the night now!!! She is such a sweet little girl and just loves her brother! James has still been doing so well with her. Hopefully, I will take more pictures in September!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The things James says/does...

James says the funniest things right now. If I don't write these down now, I know I forget them. 1. "I climb BIG ladder and go to Heaven to see God and rain" 2. "Daddy go to work to make money and pay bills" 3. "Two bars" 4. "I drive Dah's truck downtown" He loves to sing and he can sing the following by himself: 1. The B-I-B-L-E 2. Itsy Bitsy Spider 3. Three little monkeys jumping on the bed... 4. Fishermen (song from daycare) He is OBSESSED with climbing ladders and will call anything a ladder (as long as he can go up!). He carries around Dah's cellphone as soon as Royster walks in. If I am cooking anything, he thinks he has to be sitting on the countertop "helping" me. He is a great helper! He Loves his kitchen with the plastic food. He will cook anything and everything.

Emma Lou is 6 months old!

I can't believe that Emma Lou is already 6 months old. Time is really flying by. I kept up with everything James did, ate, etc... however, that hasn't happened this time around! So I wanted to at least say what she is doing at this point: Weight: Find out Wednesday, Wears 6-9 month clothes, Wears size 2 diapers , Eats around 5 bottles a day and 2 containers of food, Not sure about naps since she is at daycare most days, Sleeps most of the night, Loves watching James, Can hold a bottle by herself, Can sit up for quite a while by herself, and No teeth yet, but there is quite a lot of teething.