Monday, May 14, 2012

Swinging with Daddy

James loves to swing on his playset. Lately, Yancey has been putting Emma Lou in a swing (with the support of one of James' teddy bears as support)so she will stop crying. I took these pictures the other night through the kitchen window. c

James and Da (Royster)

James loves his Da...what he calls Yancey's dad. He had the best time working in the yard with Da this weekend. He had just gotten up from his nap and said his feet were cold, which is why he is wearing his bed room shoes. He is also wearing one of Da's hats! If he could actually pay attention to what Da is doing, he could do this when he gets older!

Sweet Emma Lou

Just wanted to post some pictures of our sweet little girl. James and I call her "pretty girl"!

Mother's Day and Emma Lou's Dedication

Yesterday was Mother's Day and Emma Lou's baby dedication at church. We were so lucky to have so many family members attend the church service and then lunch at our house. I was so proud of my little family! Emma Lou did so well during her part in the service (she slept!). James kept everyone entertained during lunch. I was glad she was able to wear one of my dresses from when I was a baby. James wore one of Yancey's outfits at his dedication service. My children still have 4 great grandparents, 4 grandparents, and 2 parents living (all still married)....that is pretty awesome! I am truly blessed to be the mother of my sweet little children!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Easter Sunday

The Easter Bunny made it to our house on Easter Sunday! I don't think James understood what was going on, but enjoyed eating the chocolate that morning! We actually all made it to church that morning! I was so proud of my little family.

Visit with Ma and Big Papa

We went to visit my dad's parents before Easter. I know they really enjoyed seeing all of us...well some of us more than others!

Easter Egg Hunt at Day Care

James had an Easter egg hunt and party at Day Care. I was able to go since I was still home on maternity leave. Once he figured out what to do, he had a great time looking for eggs. Thankfully, we all divided the eggs up so all the children got the same amount of eggs. After the egg hunt, there was a party for his class. I can't imagine next year, when he can actually eat all the Easter candy (and not me!).

Emma Lou's first time at the beach!

We were able to go to the beach a few weeks ago. This was Emma Lou's first trip to the beach. We had to borrow my dads SUV and it was packed as full as it could be! I'll be glad to go back when we don't have to take EVERYTHING!! James loves sitting on the porch looking at "big waves", "2 big ships", "fish", and "boats". Annabel and James had fun playing in the little pool. I didn't take a bathing suit for him, so a diaper had to work. We tried to take a family picture, but James HATES being near the waves. Once we open the gate of the porch, he starts crying. Hopefully this will change soon.

Sibling pictures

I am so far behind in blogging, so I am trying to catch up. James has done so well with Emma Lou. I just love that he wants to hold her. He is a great big brother.