Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day

I think Yancey had a great Father's Day. He got to work in the yard quite a bit on transplanting some grass from the back to the front. His parents took James to Pullen Park for the morning, so he was able to spend a lot of time in the yard. We did one of his favorite meals for dinner...kabobs!

Emma Lou eats solids!

After Emma Lou's 4 month check up, where she waid 13.9 pounds, I tried giving her a little bit of solid food. Our doctor said we could try it and I started James on solids at 4 months. She doesn't eat as much as he did at all. This past weekend I made some baby food. We should have plenty for a while.

My sweet children

These are just a few of the pictures of my sweeties lately!

James' 1st bicycle

The other weekend at the beach, my folks had a suprise for James. They got him his first bicycle...well a tricycle. It is great. It has a handle that the parents can help guide the child and then you can take the handle part off. He had a great time....I think he alsmost liked pushing it as much as riding it! i

Riding in the tractor

James is obsessed with tractors...John Deere Tractors! Yancey's cousin William has a big John Deere. We had asked him if one day James could go sit on it. He said he would take James for a ride in it! Well the other night, the door bell rang and when I opened the door all I saw was a large tractor. William had suprised James and brought the tractor. Yancey, James, and William went for a ride around our street. When they were finished, James came inside and went straight to get his toy tractor and said, "MY John Deere!"