Friday, September 28, 2012

My Pinterest Idea!

I love the website Pinterest! There are so many ideas on there that I want to do, but probably will never get around to it. I did see an idea of using picture frames and clothes pins to hang kids' artwork. Again, mom came with goodies, and we ended up with a great looking art wall that you can update!

Craft time with Nana Jane!

I had wanted to get fun Halloween place mats for James and Emma Lou, but couldn't find anything "cute". I mentioned this to my mom and so when she came this week she brought all kinds of great things and we make our own place mats for them!

Ready for Church

So, church has been kinda hard to do lately. We get everyone dressed so nice to go, and then it is a struggle for the next hour as to whether James is going to sit with us in "big church" or go with Emma Lou to the nursery. It also means that one of us ends up in the nursery as well. Thankfully, they go to a Christian Day Care, so I know they are learning good things during the week!

My sweeties

I have been so far behind on blogging. Emma Lou is so sweet these days and is normally so happy. I love to take pictures of her! James wants to be doing everything she is (including eating baby puffs for a snack), so I can't take a picture of her without taking pictures of him! She doesn't mind because she thinks he is great!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Emma Lou is growing up!

This is so I don't forget: In the last week, Emma Lou has gotten two teeth and is pulling up on furniture. She can crawl wherever she wants. I can't believe how fast she is learning.