Thursday, September 30, 2010

10 Months Old!!!

James is 10 months old now!!!

Size 4 diapers
Weighs 23.9 pounds
Wears 12-18 month clothes
Sleeps all night
Has almost 6 teeth
Drinks 4 6oz bottles a day
Eats almost anything you put in front of him (at least 3 containers of baby food and then some table food)
Can wave....we think
Trys to say Daddadddadda
Crawls everywhere
Pulls up on everything
His favorite book that Yancey reads to him is "I see a monster"
Trys to drink out of sippy cup

Cowboy Time With Aunt Julie

My aunt came to watch James for me. He always has fun with she comes. She brought Cowboy hats and Cowboy boots this time.

Ben's Last Day

James and Ben having been sharing a wonderful nanny, Miss Lisa, since February. Ben's parents have decided to send him to a local day care that is really good. Today was the boys' last day together. My how they have grown! We are thankfull that Mrs. Lisa is staying to watch James.

Granddaddy's 85 Birthday Party

My granddaddy turned 85 this week! My family gave him a surprise Birthday Party!

Papa and Grandma's 65 Wedding Anniversary

We were able to go to Winston Salem to celebrate my dad's parent's 65 wedding anniversary. Some of our family came by for a visit! We went to the Tavern Inn at Old Salem, one of my family's favorites. James did very well! On Sunday my parents gave the flowers in the church in my grandparent's honor.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Tonight James and I started going to KinderBabies at our Church. If you have heard of KinderMusic, this is a step before that our Church offers. It is from birth until around 2ish. Several of James's friends are in the group of 8 children. After the 30 minute class, we head to the fellowship hall for Wednesday night dinner.

This is James's first music teacher, Dr. Hampton.

Parker and James hanging out! James took Parker's music maker.

Every class ends with bubbles!

I signed James's name to the large sheet with others who have been in the class. I put 10 months because he will be next week!

James and Mommy

Mrs. Whitney and Matthew

Mrs. Melissa signing Parker's name

Dr. Hampton

James playing with the fabric pen

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day at the Beach

We spent Labor Day at the beach with some of Yancey's family. James did much better with having an adjusted schedule than he did a few months ago. We couldn't wait to take him down to the ocean...thinking he would enjoy this. He didn't mind the sand last time. HE HATES IT! I don't know if he was afraid of the ocean or didn't like being dirty...but he was unhappy. He did smile some when he realized he could bang the sand bucket like his drum. It is exciting to think that is he the fouth generation to come to this beach house. Hopefully next summer at the beach he will like it more!

Fun time with Family

Great Grandma Betty


Aunt Fairley

Feeding Time

James is having a great time eating solid food. Although he isn't always the neatest, it sure is fun to watch him.