Saturday, January 28, 2012

Marbles Museum

We decided to take James to Marbles Kids Museum in Raleigh today. We were able to meet up with Fairley, David, and Annabel, which was also an extra treat! It took James some time to get used to the space. He kept wanting Yancey to hold him. But finally, he was able to enjoy part of it. He LOVED driving the ambulance and the fire truck. He wanted nothing to do with the dress up part of it, but give him a big steering wheel, and he is happy. We went upstairs and they have a large pig that hangs over a collection of plastic balls. There are several ways the kids can get the balls to go up a conveyor line type thing to get back into the pig. Once so many of the balls get back into the big, the bottom of the pig opens and the balls fall into the open collection space. Yancey was under this downpour of balls when we first got to this spot. James had a great time pushing the balls in all the different displays! It was such a fun time, and hopefully we can go back again.

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