Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Day

We spent Christmas morning at our house, just the three of us! Santa brought James a "Mr. Potato Head", an Elmo tool table, a Little People Garage, and a tunnel to crawl through! I don't think James quite understood what was going on, but he had a good time playing. After we did presents as a family, we headed over to Yancey's parent's home. There is tradition of the "Banging of the pots" down the street. James did well this year and banged his own pot. We had a great brunch with his family and then headed to home to take a quick nap. After that we headed to Selma to eat dinner with my mom's family. There was 22 of us (and there were some missing!). After dinner, we headed to my parents house to finish off Christmas day.

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