Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween at the Beach

Yancey and I had planned on taking James to the beach this past weekend so we could spend some time with him before the baby gets here. The weather on Saturday was windy and cold, but that didn't stop the fun. My folks were at the beach as well, so Saturday morning we headed to the aquarium. They had it decorated for Halloween. We let James walk around and he enjoyed it much more. There were a few times that he was afraid...because the fish are so close to the glass. They had this mat that had fish swimming around. Once you stepped on the mat, it sent the fish in different directions. James liked stomping on this. My mom finally got to see the otters. One of the otters put on a show that we all got to enjoy. There was huge blow up jackolantern (or "pump" as James called Pumpkins). The highlight at the aquarium might have been the machine you put coins in and watch it swirl around! That afternoon, my mom and I got some bedding and sheets for James' big boy bed that he will be getting later this month. On Sunday morning, Yancey and I enjoyed taking James on the beach. He loves the "Och"--Ocean from the porch, but doesn't care for it once we get close. He loved seeing the "Bo"--Boats. What's so funny is he thinks my dad has a boat, b/c we pass a lot of boats to get to my parent's place at the beach. On our way home, we stopped by Wilson to see the Koster's and give Della Ruth her bday present. We got to ride the train at the Rec. This is something that I saw growing up, but never rode. James loved riding the "choo-choo"!

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