Since I am about a month late in doing this post, I am just going to put all the pictures together. We started Christmas off in Oxford and spent Christmas Eve with Yancey's family. We went to church while Fairley and David watched James and Annabel. James would not go to sleep (afraid of missing something I guess) so he and I went home earlier than expected so he could go to sleep! Christmas morning, the three of us opened presents and enjoyed the gifts Santa brought James. We headed over to Yancey's parents' house to open presents with them and to participate in the annual "pot banging"(a neighborhood tradition). That evening we headed to Selma to have Christmas dinner with my mom's family. James had a great time playing on the hearth. Lots of smooth space for his cars! We went to Wilson after that to spend a few days with my parents. My dad's parents were supposed to come but because of the 12 inches of snow that came, they weren't able to make it. Claire was in town, so they came over and the adults played in the snow making a snowman. I think Katelyn and James had a good time inside were it was warm. New's Years weekend, my dad's parent's came to Oxford for us to spend time with them. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family to spend time with. I can't believe that 2011 is already here, but I can't wait to see what God has in store for all of us this year! Happy New Year!
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