It seems like last year, I was so ontop of updating this blog. I don't know what has happened, but I have gotten slack. Here's how we are doing: James is doing great. He turned 14 months on Sunday. I just can't believe it. He is walking around and babbling all kinds of wonderfully exciting "words" that I can't wait to understand one day! He and Chester have become the best of friends lately. James does the typicall "one (insert food item) for James and one (insert same food) for Chester". They also like to play tug and war with my glad and rubbermade leftover containers. James will pull them out of my cabinet, then Chester will run into another room with it. James soon arrives and begins to try and pull the plastic piece out of Chesters mouth. He thinks this is so funny. James also loves to be "chased." If you say "I'm going to get you..." and act like you are going to start running towards him, he takes off and laughs so much! We are very blessed to have such a wonderful child. As I read articles on the interet and other blogs, I feel so appreciative for our blessings. I am really trying to be a better mother and wife this year. If you know me, you know that I tend to stress out and get worked up. I am trying to give my anxieties to God and enjoy the moment that I am in. Because of my paycut and time cut, we are really having to watch what we spend. I really like my Dave Ramsey's wallet. It has the envelope system in it. I have tried to make it a game (i am only going to spend "x" amount of cash on this". This lifestyle has made me want to be a good steward of our money and question the extra purchases I would have normally made. I saw this list on Proverbs 31 Ministires about a Provers 31 Woman:
1. Pursues an ongoing, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. Loves, honors, and greatly enriches the life of her husband, encouraging and supporting his leadership within his family and his church.
3. Nutures the next generation, shaping and molding the children who will one day define who we are as a community and as a nation.
4. Creates a warm and loving environment for family and friends.
5. Is a faithful steward of the time and money God has entrusted to her.
6. Speakes with wisdom and faithful instruction as she encourages others and developes godly friendships.
7. Shares the love of Christ by extending her hands to help the poor and opening her arms to the needy.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Christmas 2010
Since I am about a month late in doing this post, I am just going to put all the pictures together. We started Christmas off in Oxford and spent Christmas Eve with Yancey's family. We went to church while Fairley and David watched James and Annabel. James would not go to sleep (afraid of missing something I guess) so he and I went home earlier than expected so he could go to sleep! Christmas morning, the three of us opened presents and enjoyed the gifts Santa brought James. We headed over to Yancey's parents' house to open presents with them and to participate in the annual "pot banging"(a neighborhood tradition). That evening we headed to Selma to have Christmas dinner with my mom's family. James had a great time playing on the hearth. Lots of smooth space for his cars! We went to Wilson after that to spend a few days with my parents. My dad's parents were supposed to come but because of the 12 inches of snow that came, they weren't able to make it. Claire was in town, so they came over and the adults played in the snow making a snowman. I think Katelyn and James had a good time inside were it was warm. New's Years weekend, my dad's parent's came to Oxford for us to spend time with them. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family to spend time with. I can't believe that 2011 is already here, but I can't wait to see what God has in store for all of us this year! Happy New Year!


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