This weekend we headed to Atlantic Beach for Easter weekend. On Friday morning, James and I headed over to see Claire and Katelyn. Claire and I have spent many a Spring Break and Easter together at the beach. It is still so weird to have kids with us there now. Katelyn did very good sharing her snack and train set with James. On Saturday morning, we headed back to their condo for an Easter Egg Hunt. We were a little late, so the hunt was over when we got there. Claire's mom Betsy, set out some extra eggs so James could participate in a little hunt. After hanging out with the Brown's on the beach, we headed back to the cottage for lunch and a nap (for all!). Saturday afternoon was beautiful and we spent some time on the beach. We are still trying to get James use to the sand. Sunday morning, James saw the basket the Easter Bunny had left him. Out of all the "Treats", his favorite was the plastic eggs! It was such a wonderful weekend and I was glad we got to spend it with our families and friends.
Having a day off in the middle of the week works out nice. My dad's parents were able to come stay last Tuesday night with us and spend time with James and me on Wednesday. They took him for a stroll around the block while I got ready for lunch. The lunch options are few in Oxford, so we headed to Henderson for Cracker Barrel!! At least it is normally loud enough in case James starts to get fussy. I think he would have taken one of the little rockers home with him.
The other weekend we went to my mom's parents' house to celebrate my mom's birthday. My aunt got the most beautiful cake at Whole Foods. It was also special because my cousin Scott and his now fiance Katie where there. After lunch, my grandma put out some eggs for James to have his first Easter egg hunt! We finally convinced him it was ok to keep the eggs IN the basket!
I found some new sunglasses for James the other day. This morning he had fun having us put them on him and then taking them right back off....and doing this over and over!
The other weekend we went home to see my parents. My mom had been wanting to take James to Harris Teeter to ride Harry. James has also become obsessed with balloons. It seems every grocery store we go to has them!