We spent Christmas morning at our house, just the three of us! Santa brought James a "Mr. Potato Head", an Elmo tool table, a Little People Garage, and a tunnel to crawl through! I don't think James quite understood what was going on, but he had a good time playing. After we did presents as a family, we headed over to Yancey's parent's home. There is tradition of the "Banging of the pots" down the street. James did well this year and banged his own pot. We had a great brunch with his family and then headed to home to take a quick nap. After that we headed to Selma to eat dinner with my mom's family. There was 22 of us (and there were some missing!). After dinner, we headed to my parents house to finish off Christmas day.
We went to Winston Salem a few weekends ago to spend an early Christmas with my dad's parents...or "Ma" and "Big Papa" as James calls them! We were able to meet up with some more family and eat dinner and see some Christmas lights. It was great seeing James with my grandparents. He adores them!
Fairley and David hosted a Christmas Open House this year...and Santa came! It was a fun afternoon of lots of great food and fun. I hope they make this a new tradition b/c it was a great way to start the Christmas season!
We spent Thanksgiving in Oxford this year with some of Yancey's family. We all went to the local Country Club for lunch. It was so good! After that, we went to Raleigh to eat dinner with Fairley's inlaws. It is so great that we are all so close. James and Annabel had a good time playing together.
We decided it was time to transition James to a big boy bed. He has done much better than I thought. Instead of putting him straight into the twin bed (which I think is a little high), we just put the mattress and box spring on the floor. He was so excited when we showed him "his" bed. Hopefully he will continue to do well.
Last Sunday we had a "Cat in the Hat" birthday party for James' second birthday! I can't believe it has been two years since he arrived. Time has flown by. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful and healthy little boy. He may drive us crazy at times, but he is such a joy! I am also glad we have made such good friends here in Oxford and that they have little children for James to play with. The weather was perfect and they got to play outside for an hour. My mom had a lot of Dr. Seuss stuff from teaching about him. She even had adorable cupcakes made with the hat on them. It was a wonderful afternoon to celebrate our little boy.
Last week our niece turned ONE! I remember sitting at Rex waiting for her to get here last year. I'm so glad that we are so close to Fairley and David so James and Annabel will grow up together. Fairley had a wonderful party at their house.