He wears Size 2 diapers
Eats some rice ceral (the nanny feeds him better than I do)
Drinks five 6oz bottles a day
Has slept through the night 3 times! (not in a row!)
Turns his head and looks around while you are holding him
Smiles all the time (well not ALL the time)
Is starting to "talk" some
Wears size 6 month clothes
Weighs 15 pounds
We are still sharing a wonderful nanny with our friends Mike and Bridget. I can't wait for James and Ben to grow up together!

This past weekend we went back to Wilson to visit. We stopped by and saw Mary Hunter and Will Koster. They have a new baby girl, Della Ruth! We also got to see Bill and Olivia Boles. Their new little boy is named Bo! It's exiting for James to have some friends to play with when we go home to visit!